Vaquita whole genome resequencing data: PRJNA751981 (Robinson and Kyriazis et al., 2022)
California condor genome assembly: GCA_018139145.1 (Robinson et al., 2021)
California and Andean condor whole genome resequencing data: PRJNA717058 (Robinson et al., 2021)
SNPRC baboon whole genome resequencing data: PRJNA433868 (Robinson et al., 2019)
North American gray wolf whole genome resequencing data: PRJNA512209 (Robinson et al., 2019)
Island and gray fox whole genome resequencing data: PRJNA312115 (Robinson et al., 2016), PRJNA478450 (Robinson et al., 2018)
Resources and other supporting data for California condor genomic analyses: 10.5281/zenodo.4680008 (Robinson et al., 2021)
Raw VCF files for 100 high coverage baboon genomes from the SNPRC: 10.5281/zenodo.2583266 (Robinson et al., 2019)
Resources and other supporting data for baboon genomic analyses: 10.5281/zenodo.2583292 (Robinson et al., 2019)
Morphological data from museum specimens of island and gray foxes: 10.5281/zenodo.1345794 (Robinson et al., 2018)
Genomic analyses of vaquitas and other cetaceans: (Robinson and Kyriazis et al., 2022)
Genomic population viability simulations for vaquitas: (Robinson and Kyriazis et al., 2022)
Genomic analyses of California condor, Andean condor, and turkey vulture genomes: (Robinson et al., 2021)
Simulations of deleterious variation in gray wolves: (Robinson et al., 2019)
Genotyping pipeline for wolf whole genome sequences: (Robinson et al., 2019)
Simulations of island and gray fox evolution: 10.5281/zenodo.1345812 (Robinson et al., 2018)